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Liquid spraying

Liquid spraying consists of spraying lacquers or varnishes in the liquid phase using various guns.

The principles of liquid spraying

After preparing the surface to ensure good adhesion of the treatment, the parts are painted by spraying lacquers or varnishes. Different means of application are possible: electrostatic guns (manual or automatic), and pneumatic guns (manual or automatic). Subsequently, the parts are dried in the oven (to evaporate the solvents or water), then heat-cured. Depending on the coatings, parts meet tight tolerances or can be mechanically re-machined. Liquid spray coating allows many variations in thickness, savings zones, and nuances of textures or effects.

  • Deposited thicknesses from 2 to 80 µm
  • Application temperature: between 170 and 400°C depending on the coating

The benefits of liquid spraying

  • Suitable for all types of parts in terms of dimensions
  • Good control of powder deposition
  • Possibility of making partial coatings
  • Suitable for parts with thermal constraints
  • Zero backlash mechanical adjustment possible
  • Control of thickness up to a micron

Possible features

Icône résistance à l'usure

Wear resistance

Icône anti-adhérence


Icône conduction isolation électrique

Electrical insulation

Icône réduction de bruit

Noise reduction

Icône frottement


Icône alimentarité

Food contact

Icône anti-corrosion atmosphérique

Atmospheric anti-corrosion

Icône anti-abrasion

Abrasion resistance

Icône réparation


Icône mouillabilité
